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Teaching & Learning Pedagogy

OIM gives high priority to inviting industry mentors to the campus for making business education more hands on and relevant. The class room guidance, with the combination of direction from tenured professors, external industry experts and project experience prepares a candidate on the fundamentals as well as industry practices simultaneously
Learning starts with the study group formation of the students for the duration of their stay on the campus. The formation of the group is self-done on the basis of the chemistry of social life, culture, academic background and work experience.

Teaching & Learning Pedagogy At The Oriental Institute Of ManagementY


  • The teaching methodology is a combination of lecture and case methods with a high focus on self-learning and practice.
  • Teaching of each subject is carried out as per a detailed course plan designed in accordance with the syllabus.
  • Each course comprises case studies, assignments, presentations, working exercises, quizzes, and group discussions on current issues.
  • The evaluation is based on continuous internal assessment and an end-term examination.
  • Management Games, Role Play, and other teaching techniques are used in the classroom for greater effectiveness.